Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Year, Attitude, and Goals

So I'm finally getting to follow up my New Year's Eve post. I promised I'd work on updating this thing much more often, so this is part of my attempt at refocusing my energies in 2010. You'll have to excuse me if from time to time I repeat myself or just ramble. I want to make this whole social networking thing work for me this year, so I'm going to be doing a lot of stumbling at first.

Anyway, it's still too soon to tell if this year will be a good one or not overall, but I'm going to try to look at everything with a refreshed view anyway. Does that mean I'll be deliriously positive? No way. In fact, I might be doing a lot of dark work in the coming months in an effort to purge some of that negative energy. It's not art if it's not interesting, right?

I want to make 2010 a big year for DIGImmortal Photo. I've recently been talking over some of my goals and plans with my ever-so-supportive fiance, and realizing that I'm putting a lot on my plate. I'm used to it though, so it should be OK. Plus, I'm tired of failing at nothing. I walk around at times with a huge weight on my shoulders and a feeling like I'm not doing anything right. The truth is, most of the time I don't have any real reason to feel like a failure, what I'm really feeling is the pressure of paranoia and being scared to fail. Those thoughts and feelings hold me back from ever trying anything and put me into a rut, a funk, a standstill. I need to break those chains that my mind puts on me and face things head-on. This morning David Hobby of put a link up on Twitter to a video about failure. This is the first time I'd heard of this site or this video series, but it's called 30 Second MBA. It's a 30 second video, so just go ahead and watch it and come back. I'll wait...

OK, you see? There's a very important point there. Think about it for a minute, most of the wisest people we've ever known are always telling great stories. Our grandparents, parents, mentors, bosses, etc... they all have amazing stories of what it was like either growing up, growing a business, or just plain growing as a person. They have stories because they tried things, they attempted to make changes, try new ideas, new angles. They didn't sit in one place scared for their lives and not making a move. I'm not saying any of us should just up and leave if we have something worth sticking around for, but if you've got an idea and you think it's a good one, go for it. Even if it fails, at least you know not to try it again. Better now than later, right?

I've got some ideas for my business that could possibly result in me losing time and money instead of making anything, but the point is not the money, or even the time, it's the lesson that I can learn from it. I've got some goals that may seem miles away from what I could pull off in a year, but if I don't at least try, I won't even know exactly how many miles. It's time to embrace uncertainty instead of fearing it.

2010 can be a banner year for DIGImmortal Photo if I let it be. So I'm inviting and welcoming all of you to come along for the ride and keep up with things as they progress. I hope to be able to keep the steam pumping from this engine for long enough to see most, if not all, of these ideas through. If I can accomplish even half of what I've got my eye on for this year, then I'll still have finished ahead of what I should realistically be expecting.

Deepak Chopra always says something along the lines of "In the realm of uncertainty, anything is possible" - So I'm going to try my best, and it will be hard, to embrace uncertainty and make my visions a reality.

In other news, I had to take down the Twitter feed that used to be on the right side of this blog. For some reason, all of the updates were someone else's, even though the account info in the back-end here was right, and even the preview that it shows you did, in fact, contain my tweets. For some reason though, when it would publish, it would be the updates of someone from the UK. So you can just click here if you want to follow me on Twitter.

That's all for now, I've got some ideas cooking in this noggin, but I don't want to give them away yet. I'll be back with more updates soon, so stay tuned!

More soon.

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